Saturday, November 29, 2008

Dear Santa...

I have been a good girl this year. Below is a list of things that would be nice to get for Christmas this year.

  • Gift card to Bed, Bath and Beyond
  • a personal day planner
  • clothes


P.S. Sorry I am not that exciting. I really am up for just about anything. These are just the items that I have been wanting as of late.

I don't know if anyone has Christian or not, but just in case, here is a list for him...

  • a pillow (he keeps stealing mine)
  • clothes (size 18 mo.)
  • shoes (size 5 wide)
  • anything that plays music (this is his absolute favorite kind of toy/ stuffed animal)
  • baby CDs
  • a watch (he loves any kind of clock- wall clocks, digital clocks, watches... he knows them all!)
  • Diapers size 3 or 3/4
Duffy Wishlist

Josh (he's impossible because he never WANTS anything. Good thing because i want EVERYTHING) here is the list he gave me:
  • world peace
  • pants (not dress pants, but inbetweeners for work)
  • free dental
  • free mental health check (he needs it after being married to me for a year and a half)
  • gift cards- el pollo loco, book store, benihana, target, pretty much to anywhere
  • ironman


  • shirts
  • belts (fun and funky ones)
  • jewelry (monogramed necklaces @, hoop earings)
  • a one way ticket to california
  • armani mania mens cologne (yes i'm weird)
  • gift cards: sephora, ulta, target, american eagle, nordstrom, nike, forever 21
  • i like/want just about any and everything

Friday, November 28, 2008

Rigby's Santa List

Brent wishes Santa would bring him:
  • A job, preferably in the field of prosthodontics which I spent 7 years in school for! :)
  • Wii (aren't those $25 or less?)
  • Hellboy II, Ironman (widescreen/special edition)
  • Gift Cards: Best Buy, Home Depot
  • Bosch 12V Lithium Ion Cordless Drill/Driver

Kristen wishes for:

  • Brent to have a job!
  • slippers (the kind you can slip on)
  • warm slip-on shoes (7 1/2)
  • Gift Cards: Target, Gap, ShadeClothing, Ikea, Archivers
  • time (can anyone make there be more than 24 hours in a day)

Logan's wishlist:

  • anything I can chew on, makes noise, I can throw, stack or knock over & anything I can tease Indiana with.
  • ice cream....I LOVE ICE CREAM!!
  • empty box with tissue paper
  • diapers!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Christmas Wishlist

Hey Guys...I set this up initially so that we can post our x-mas wishlists! I for one was hoping to get my x-mas shopping done sometime this week and since we rarely get to see one another lately, its hard to know what everyone would like or need for x-mas. Therefore, since I know all of you already have blogs out there I know everybody knows how to post. So, if you could take a few moments and put together a little wishlist so we all can take a look I'm sure everyone would appreciate it! Otherwise, your getting socks & underwear for x-mas!!!
If mom hasn't told you, the limit is $25. Alright, wish away and maybe santa will stuff your stocking right this year!

ps. I also thought that this blog could be a way to communicate with everyone regularly (ie, if we have events happening, want to coordinate anything, whatever). So, it's a way for everbody to put in their "two cents" (however, I know being petersons we all have waayyyy more than just "two cents" to ever contribute). Also, of course spouses are included but I did not have emails for josh & kat (brent doesn't know how to blog yet so I'll being doing this for him). So if they would like to have "author" priveleges forward me their emails please!

Blog Away!!