Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Christmas Wishlist

Hey Guys...I set this up initially so that we can post our x-mas wishlists! I for one was hoping to get my x-mas shopping done sometime this week and since we rarely get to see one another lately, its hard to know what everyone would like or need for x-mas. Therefore, since I know all of you already have blogs out there I know everybody knows how to post. So, if you could take a few moments and put together a little wishlist so we all can take a look I'm sure everyone would appreciate it! Otherwise, your getting socks & underwear for x-mas!!!
If mom hasn't told you, the limit is $25. Alright, wish away and maybe santa will stuff your stocking right this year!

ps. I also thought that this blog could be a way to communicate with everyone regularly (ie, if we have events happening, want to coordinate anything, whatever). So, it's a way for everbody to put in their "two cents" (however, I know being petersons we all have waayyyy more than just "two cents" to ever contribute). Also, of course spouses are included but I did not have emails for josh & kat (brent doesn't know how to blog yet so I'll being doing this for him). So if they would like to have "author" priveleges forward me their emails please!

Blog Away!!


D.Peterson said...

This is an awesome idea Kris. (Why didn't someone think of this earlier =P ). You're the only one who'll be able to add gadgets or change settings (I don't think there's a way to add others as "asministrators," only "authors"). Anyhow, great idea, I hope it'll take off!

Kris said...

I just granted you admin privileges, but it looks like I have the right to revoke them as well! :) (or maybe you have the right to revoke mine too; either way, you can gadget away now).

D.Peterson said...

Sweet! I didn't know you could do that.